By notyourmom - 11/06/2013 12:00 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my boyfriend asked if I could grow out my pubic hair since I usually wax it. He said his mom has a full bush and he always thought it looks better that way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 850
You deserved it 7 750

Same thing different taste


That's creepy, get out and get out now.

Tell me, is his father still around? Or did he die under mysterious circumstances?

Gross! Though it is your body not his, do what you like...heck after hearing that comment I think I would ALWAYS wax.

Get out. Get out now, before he attacks you with a spade because "he loves you so much"!

drew12089 2

Ummmmm it might be time to rethink this relationship

He could of seen her "full bush" when he was a kid! Many kids take baths with their parents!

That's still odd that he'd remember it all this time...