By anon - 10/01/2015 02:13 - United States - Dallas

Today, my boyfriend and I were going to sext before going to sleep. It was very late, but I said I'd stay up for him. He sent a text asking me if I was ready. Me replying "yes" was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep on my horny boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 306
You deserved it 10 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it makes you feel better, he probably gave up and just watched ****

JMichael 25

It happens. If he cares for more than just the sex he'll understand.


JMichael 25

It happens. If he cares for more than just the sex he'll understand.

yeah at least she didn't fall asleep during it right?

It happens- you're only human; he should understand

If it makes you feel better, he probably gave up and just watched ****

GrimReefer66 29

That's alright, I'm sure he's an understanding guy. (Hopefully) I do feel for your boyfriend though..him just on his phone waiting. Oh the sorrow.

Catch up on some good snooze while he patiently awaited your description of a ******?

other things do count in a sexting rather than just directly jumping on to ******

I could be mistaken but I think you're NEVER supposed to jump on them

nah, wasn't that a dr. seuss book? hop on pussy?

That's not really a big deal. I'll bet you'll try again tomorrow...horny teens :p

the fact that she is distressed about falling asleep on her bf leads me to believe so. Plus, rarely do people out of their 20s sext. So it's likely they're horny young people in any case.

Better than falling asleep during and blue balling him.

It's a bummer sometimes but you're only human and he should find it funny and cute.