By Holding - 24/08/2013 05:21 - United States - Staunton

Today, my boyfriend and I are on our way back from vacation. It will be an eight hour drive. It just so happens I got food poisoning the night before we left, and there's roadwork everywhere. We're at a dead halt with no signs of moving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 155
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoever is thinking about making "the comment", don't do it.

perdix 29

Hmm, getting downvoted sounds like a *lowers sunglasses* shitty situation.


The only thing that is moving are your bowels.

Usually being on a phone while in a car doesn't help the urge to not puke.

Not saying you deserve it, but if you get to go on a real vacation, your life most definitely doesn't suck. Tomorrow you will be fine and will have tons of memories from a vacation that not very many people get to enjoy.

When the only thing moving is your bowels... FYL.