By TheCrossingChick - 30/11/2011 05:23 - United States

Today, my boss showed us a small picture of his family on his phone. Jokingly, I commented on how the orange shirt he was wearing reminded me of a big pumpkin. He wasn't wearing an orange shirt. His wife was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 659
You deserved it 28 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Androidz 0

15, you are my grammatical savior.

Michael_92 20

Yes yes I messed up sorry. Its 6:25AM and I haven't slept.

Michael_92 20

I hate to seem rude but isn't being stupid make you stupid? I may not know all grammar but honestly it was a mistake. I know the difference between your you're. Their they're there too to two. I know all the positions of commas when to use colons semicolons and all that. I do mess them up though. Doesn't change that I don't know what they are. I am writing a comment on a fml post, not a business letter to my bank.

I also think it is important not to put people down and make them feel like they have inferior schooling. Yes it is important to be able to spell correctly but it's also important to treat each other with kindness. I have excellent grammar whereas a lot of my friends are lacking in that area. Will I correct them , no because I just do not think its that important in the grand scheme of things. If you want to correct peoples grammar become a teacher and educate them.

dyble95 0

If someone was never taught how to spell something right or has an inferior memory, does that make then stupid or less intelligent? Information is not what makes some one smart. Its what you do with the information you have that shows if your smart or not. There's nothing wrong with correcting some one but it is completely pointless and very rude to be derogatory about it. Also can some one really help it if they are stupid? I mean we are born with are brains and it not like we choose how smart we are.

Michael_92 20

Haha I agree with the guy above but seriously I can spell fairly will. I also know all them simple was seriously just a brain fart. Oh well time to go put the new alternator on the truck and them code a game...the weird messed up life of me. Then after that I have to install windows 8 on a dev computer. Just can't win lol.

ikickgingers 15

Stick with the "awww" it works on here?

Joanlysn 0

Then you should've added "It must be halloween for you everyday cause you probably carve that shit up!"

AngryBlckMan13 2

I wouldn't describe it as being a "Grammar Nazi." More like an annoying buzzing fly that won't go away >:[ #angryblckman

leadman1989 15

Dude looks like a lady, dun dunt dun dunt Or She's a macho macho man I need help lots and lots of help.

ikickgingers 15
leadman1989 15

Yup, me and my horrible grammer and esoteric but childish references are back. Everybody gay!

perdix 29

"Ha, you're married to that? Someone who looks like that usually isn't into dudes."

perdix 29

I don't see how that "joke" would have been "funny" even if your boss was wearing the orange shirt. You need a class in humor in the workplace. "and" "I" "need" "to" "cool" "it" "with" "the" "quote" "marks."