TikTok strikes again

By Anonymous - 10/01/2022 14:01

Today, I tried the 'drop the towel' challenge in front of my wife so I could record her reaction for TikTok, and maybe get some weekend booty. She barely even reacted, gave me the 'go away I’m busy' arm wave, and when I didn’t leave fast enough, she actually whipped my knob with her charging cable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 125
You deserved it 1 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is this an FML or how your OnlyFans BDSM account starts?

randybryant799 20

Some weekend booty? I don't blame your wife for shooing you away.


Is this an FML or how your OnlyFans BDSM account starts?

randybryant799 20

Some weekend booty? I don't blame your wife for shooing you away.