By Anonymous - 22/09/2013 21:40 - United States - Lusby

Today, my boss made me play golf with some executives of a company we're hoping to secure a business deal with, despite me having no golf training. My first swing ended up with me being rushed to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 294
You deserved it 4 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well they will certainly remember you, and you might get some sort of deal out of pity :D

I hate to say it but better you than an executive.


Well they will certainly remember you, and you might get some sort of deal out of pity :D

That's rough. I know genius right? I hate me too.....

op should look on the bright side; not only was he golfing at wrk but now gets paid 4 getting injured on the job.

In my experience, golfing can be more stressful than work. Then again, I'm not very good...

Hope you feel better OP but on the bright side, you put yourself I'm the hospital and not one of the company's employees

I guess you could say your first impression was a hole in one.

I hate to say it but better you than an executive.

Better for the company maybe, not OP. Hope you get better soon.

bigtaytay 13

I wonder if he's playing with a handicap now *rimshot*

14 - Nope, still better for the OP. It's more than likely he only got a tiny conk on the head or a pulled muscle, in which case he'll be better in a few days/weeks. Had he hit one of the big shots, he might have lost his job which could make it months (if not years) before OP could climb back up where they were in life.

You're probably right, I was just thinking of the short run at the time.

narkill 13

You can tell them you're just highly dedicated, doing whatever it takes. Four instance doing something you've never been trained in.

Must be one of those crazy British people, you know, putting extra Us in stuff.

Maybe it was a disguised pun?.... Nah...

an3ph 20

There have been instances of this happening before. This is the fourth. Follow?

TyT63 12

that deal musta been a swing and a miss

This is hard to believe unless you're totally non-athletic. You might suck with no golf training but to hurt yourself is very pathetic.

mangoboy1 19

I really want op to comment and explain this one.