Sounds lovely

By akvan - 30/10/2020 06:01 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my coworker, who keeps calling me Mexican even though she knows I'm not, is telling everyone that I act like a bitch to our boss, even though she's the one who is always contradicting and fighting with her, and I always try to keep everything professional. No other jobs are calling me back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 077
You deserved it 75

Same thing different taste


Well, that's no bueno! This makes Taco Tuesday pretty awkward, I suppose. She'd better not get into a stand-off with you. You people are pretty good at those!

tounces7 27

Can't even understand this one. Who is "everyone"? People calling for job references? If so, why are they talking to her, and not your boss?

diraven 15