By cock blocked - 22/04/2015 15:44 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I started work cleaning a customer's pool. I think her husband watches too much porn because he keeps glaring at me from the windows, and I overheard him telling his wife that he knows what's "going on" and that he's "not gonna let it happen". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 143
You deserved it 2 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just don't let him catch you trying to clean her filter.

I feel sorry for the wife for more reasons than one if he thinks that **** is a realistic depiction of anything...


That could get out of "hand", if you know what I mean.

Your picture and your comment go pretty well together.

Oh and it's not everyday you see a man with a taped up face; along with two vibrators and a ***** on his head. Your picture really sends good vibrations my way.

ExtremeEncounter 32

I find it funny that OP's name is "**** blocked", considering the FML.

Just don't let him catch you trying to clean her filter.

blcksocks 19

Also don't say anything to the wife on the lines of "Are you prepared to get wet, because these pipes are about to burst"

#17 I'm not even gonna lie that was the best and also the worst thing I've read all day

Maybe he doesn't watch enough **** to know how blatantly fake that shit is.

I dunno, maybe it's not so far from the truth. OP's user name is "**** blocked", after all

I feel sorry for the wife for more reasons than one if he thinks that **** is a realistic depiction of anything...

Eyalsh 32

well, maybe if she had had less Headaches..

**** isn't real? That can't be right.

I guess **** categories like Homemade is most of the time real.

I wonder if he does the same thing to pizza guys.

Next time he's there pull up with your car playing some 70's **** theme!

He's probably been having an affair with the babysitter for years.