Go on, gis a job, I can do that

By Anonymous - 01/04/2024 07:00 - United States

Today, my parents are mad because I turned down a job. It offered below minimum wage to work 12-hour shifts, six days a week, and the list of benefits was less than the occupational hazards. When I showed them what McDonald's was paying and their benefits in comparison, they accused me of being lazy and entitled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 529
You deserved it 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So find a better job and tell your parents whatever version of “go **** yourselves” you’re comfortable with.


So find a better job and tell your parents whatever version of “go **** yourselves” you’re comfortable with.

wrecklesswfire 3

I’m hoping the one that pays less than minimum wage was reported. the older generations are not going to understand because they had it easier