By HR_Risk - 01/09/2017 05:07 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, at the office, I was walking towards a blind man who works in another department. When I realized our paths would collide, I called out that I was on his right because we'd received an email from HR that said this would help him. I was actually on his left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 151
You deserved it 3 676

Stevie Laurel tells us more.

OP here! Luckily the guy has a great sense of humor and just laughed it off saying "It's really early in the morning, I get it." He didn't seem upset at all.

Top comments

He could have seen this as the start of a sneak attack ... but he is blind, so don't worry. He cannot identify you in a lineup.

If it makes you feel any better OP, I was recently trying to give someone directions to my apartment building, and told them to go over two speed bumps and turn left. It was not, in fact, two speed bumps (only one)...nor was it a left turn. I couldn't even use the 'early morning' excuse as it was around 8 in the evening.


He could have seen this as the start of a sneak attack ... but he is blind, so don't worry. He cannot identify you in a lineup.

Lobby_Bee 17

You've just made a dangerous enemy, watch out. He can wack you with his walking stick and pretend nothing happened.

OP here! Luckily the guy has a great sense of humor and just laughed it off saying "It's really early in the morning, I get it." He didn't seem upset at all.

If it makes you feel any better OP, I was recently trying to give someone directions to my apartment building, and told them to go over two speed bumps and turn left. It was not, in fact, two speed bumps (only one)...nor was it a left turn. I couldn't even use the 'early morning' excuse as it was around 8 in the evening.

Seems he's not the only one who's blind...

azouwa 26

Remembering your left from your right is easy. Switching back and forth between your left and right and someone directly across from you can get tricky. You'll get used to it OP. I'm sure you weren't the first to do that to him.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Your right is his left and the other way around. Remember that!

ashily24 12

I'm 24 years old and I still hold up my hands to see which one is which. ? so I'm right there with you.