By Anonymous - 20/08/2013 17:18 - United States

Today, my ass decided that it was the perfect day to exhibit the diarrhea side-effect of medicine I'm taking. I definitely made a lasting impression on my interviewer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 220
You deserved it 2 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please tell me you just spent a long time in the bathroom after excusing yourself from the interview, and that you didn't actually shit all over the interviewer's chair. That would just be terrible.


You know what they say, any publicity is good publicity right? Way to make a lasting impression OP ;)

Seems you made a lasting impression on your underwear as well.

carina_47 16

Please tell me you just spent a long time in the bathroom after excusing yourself from the interview, and that you didn't actually shit all over the interviewer's chair. That would just be terrible.

To make that kind of impression on him you'd have to have been talking out your ass. No worries though, no one has ever done that in an interview.

I dream of a day when people will stop using this line.

roflstomp716 19

well I guess that's when the shit hit the fan... or in your case, your pants ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I liked this comment namely for the little dude. :)

There'll be other interviews. Don't worry to much about it.

Maybe when people stop submitting fmls about poop, which will never happen.

Line... log... poop... SHITTY SITUATION!! How minds-who-have-read-such-comments-yet-fail-to-realize-they're-cliché work.