By Anonymous - 05/06/2019 00:01

Today, my 5-year-old figured out that if he has a mouthful of milk and he blows really hard, he can blow the milk out of his nose like twin fire hoses. I’ve washed the carpet twice in the past day, and my house still stinks of rotten dairy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 825
You deserved it 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put some cayenne pepper in the milk. That shit will stop real quick!

Could you let him do it outdoors? He'd still have the fun, and you wouldn't have to clean up.


Put some cayenne pepper in the milk. That shit will stop real quick!

dancingcats 5

that would be child abuse. and would probably cause him to bleed profusely from his nose

Who would be stupid enough to take child-rearing tips from the comments section of FML? The kid would taste the pepper anyways.

HistoryHasEyes 19

Wouldn't the milk just cancel out the spice?

mr_dinzaster 16

Could you let him do it outdoors? He'd still have the fun, and you wouldn't have to clean up.

yeah and use water not milk! I'd ban milk until he'd got that lark out of his system.

Umm ya better get him to stop before he has a serious sinus infection

SpaceshipOnAcid 9

Hate to sound harsh but if OP can't get him to stop, maybe that's what needs to happen for him to learn not to do it.

Slap him upside the head every time he does it. That'll stop it right quick. Or better yet, make <i>him</i> clean the carpet. Also, vodka or baking soda (applied to the carpet, not to you) might make the smell go away.

YDI because you keep giving him milk and are not correcting the behaviour.