By Lax - 12/01/2009 09:37 - France

Today, my 5 year-old daughter watched me getting dressed in the bathroom and asked, "Mum, when my boobs grow, will they droop like yours?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 921
You deserved it 3 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No, sweetie. Not until you have kids."

@1 because kids are blind until a certain age? What? you honestly think a five year old is NOT going to notice that grown women have strange growths on their chests that grown men don't have? A good parent is honest about that information with his/her kids.


piney123 0

OMG!!! ROFL! Kids are too funny sometimes!

athena3100 9

I knew what boobs are when i was younger than that. I think you have problems.

She probably means that they are droopy as opposed to her mosquito bites.

If she's five, she was sucking on them not too long ago. Of course she knows what they are.

That's okay I still wanna see your boobs

Say yes and see if she cries. :P In all seriousness, be proud of your body! I'm guessing those boobs worked hard to feed your daughter, and that's a beautiful thing.