By lyss - 16/11/2018 10:30 - United States - New Prague

Today, my 4-year-old daughter asked me when I was going to be skinny like her daycare lady. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 575
You deserved it 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

“When the whole family eats a diet of fruits, vegetables, lean protein and non-fat dairy. No cookies, candy, cake, ice cream, juice boxes, Happy Meals, chicken nuggets, etc. Does that sound good to you?”

kricket5 19

This is not dieting. It’s eating healthy. Since when is that miserable?


“When the whole family eats a diet of fruits, vegetables, lean protein and non-fat dairy. No cookies, candy, cake, ice cream, juice boxes, Happy Meals, chicken nuggets, etc. Does that sound good to you?”

TheBombestOne 4

Why should the whole family diet? Misery loves company I guess.

weaboo 12

It’s so that the kid doesn’t feel like they’re punished. Things like “Why can mommy eat ice cream and I can’t” could really mess up a 4 year old. But then again you can tell the kid that it’s “no sweets or you’ll get fat” but if the kid chooses to get fat he will not only be fat for the rest of his life he will also probably have no self restraint in other matters

kricket5 19

This is not dieting. It’s eating healthy. Since when is that miserable?

Would you stock a full bar when you live in a house with an alcoholic in it?

You can get away with eating stuff like that if you get a decent amount of physical activity.

Hyousax 3

My mom told me that when I had been in kindergarten, we had this task to draw pictures about our family's day. One was about my mom eating candy with text (written by the teacher) "My mom eats candy every evening while watching TV". She said that that got her to stop that habit for many years.