Out of the mouth of babes...

By DEE - 26/07/2018 15:00

Today, while I was getting ready for the day, my 5-year-old daughter looked at me and said, "Mom, maybe you should do some gymnastics today. Your legs look bigger." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 770
You deserved it 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take her the 5 year old's advice. get your flabs to the gym kids are honest. if they say you're fat, yore fat

See how small the back of my hand looks far away? Now look at it close up (thwack)


Wouldn’t be awesome that if one needs to lose a couple of inches of fat could exercise for only day and ‘puff’?!!!

julfunky 29

Shouldn’t it be “poof” rather than “puff?”

I think either can be used with this context. The idea would have same meaning.

How rude! You ought to throw that kid in a vault and give her a pommeling!

take her the 5 year old's advice. get your flabs to the gym kids are honest. if they say you're fat, yore fat

Proofreading is never a bad idea, dude.

See how small the back of my hand looks far away? Now look at it close up (thwack)

Ohhh kids. They can be brutal, but try not to take it to heart. I’m sure you’re beautiful!