By Anonymous - 25/11/2015 17:13 - United States - Seattle

Today, my 4-year-old twin boys are fighting because they both want to watch the SAME show on Netflix. They don't want the other one to choose, because somehow that invalidates their own choice, even though they both get to watch what they want, which is "Barbie, life in the dream house". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 849
You deserved it 2 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it's good that they want to watch that. It shows that they aren't conforming to stereotypes and aren't afraid to express themselves. But fighting over it... That's adorable! But I guess FYL for having to sort it out....

ACommenter 7

Youre certainly living in the "dream house" right now


My first thought was the irony. "Dream house"

They were dropped on their jeads as babies, huh?

I've heard that a baby's jead is the most delicate part of its body.

My first thought was because it sounds like a crappy film that's essentially a toy advert, but now I'm just hoping my first thought was right.

rogwest 23

They both are little bitches an should be outside playing and you've failed as a parent for even allowing them to watch Barbie…

Sounds like you got a couple of young feminazis on your hand