By paparoach - 21/12/2014 07:59 - United States - Kapolei

Today, I was at an outdoors Christmas party and I jokingly complained that my son says 'mama' way more than he says 'dada'. One of my students was at the party and watched him for a couple of hours. He taught him to say 'dada' every time he sees a bug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 555
You deserved it 4 911

Same thing different taste


when you say dada out loud, point to yourself. he will eventually get it.

Or he could Say Dad and point to him so his son/daughter doesn't say Dada for the rest of their lives

I was saying that because I got the impression that OP's son is young. it's quite natural for a young child to call his or her father dada.

BubbleGrunge 18

Excuse me while I get on my high horse here but if OPs son is very young, Dada is perfectly acceptable. Speech is a fine motor skill which children develop over their young childhood, however it does not start to become fine tuned until after five years old when the child has learned to control that muscle-the tongue. Yes it's true that you shouldn't baby talk your child when they're learning language skills, however there is a big difference between pointing to yourself and saying Dada so that your child starts to associate who you are with syllables that will later then into words, then speaking sentences such as "Wittle Whonny naanaa a cookie wookie" Infants and toddlers needs short syllable words to start their language development. Of course, there is nothing wrong with saying Daddy instead of Dada to your little ones but in my experience, parents who insist their toddler speak proper English end up having a preschooler who regresses in their speech down the road. TL;DR-I'm an early childhood educator and "Dada" is perfectly acceptable language for a toddler and infant.

That's like what they always say when their young

Animekid126 13

^ not me lol. I meant it as a (dumb) joke like OP's student is going to be failed by OP.

orbit 22

Better than convincing his son ops name is Satan.

Hey, in Arabic "Dooda" is bug (singular). Maybe OP can modify what the son was taught?

PhantomFollower 20

That is a really cool random fact. I'll have to remember that.

I've always used Dooda a different way, so thanks for that(:

Right? I went into the comments just to say that.

xChaos 29

I wonder what Op's LAST RESORT'll be

Damnit I was gonna say that....stupid cooking got in the way of me checking fml :/

You better teach him the real meaning of 'dada' soon. This could be your "Last Resort."

Well he's young and probably still can't tell the difference "Between Angels and Insects." (:

At least now you can complain without it being jokingly. Student deserves an 'A' for hilarious creativity!

I guess your username should be changed to "dada roach. "