By Anonyme - 06/09/2013 11:56 - France - Caen

Today, my 17-year-old son hacked off the legs of his bed with a saw. His explanation? "The bed looks cooler closer to the floor." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 565
You deserved it 4 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just throw him a blanket and let him sleep on the floor. He'll be the coolest kid in the neighborhood.

If he cut it so the whole bed is level I'm impressed


well I sure hope its not a car bed.... wouldnt want him to think hes sleeping in a low rider bed.

I thought it said hacked his legs off in scared

CallMeMcFeelii 13

You guys are missing the point.. Think of how the bed feels! He was a tall, dark, handsome king. Now all the twin beds make fun of him and call him a queen.. Poor bed.

I reread it twice and still though it said that, 42. I was in shock. I had to show it to my friend sitting next to me before I realized what it actually said.

Punishment: hack off his legs and tell him he looks cooler closer to the ground.

If he cut it so the whole bed is level I'm impressed

How is that impressive? Take a saw to the four legs and you will get an even bed...

because you can't just take a handsaw to something and expect it to be level, unless you cut PERFECTLY straight, and you cut the same measurement on all four legs

suboy 10

If the legs had grooves on them i dont think it would be that hard to cut at the same spot.

senseoffender 2

But if u cut the entire legs off all 4 corners the bed will lay flat on the ground therefore will be's not that hard lol

He said closer to the floor not on the floor... and again you need to cut PERFECTLY straight or it will wobble

senseoffender 2

Op also said hacked off THE legs not PART of the legs so still not that's hard to make an even cut and on the floor is closer to the floor then where the bed was originally

I don't know why I keep replying so this will be the last. It's harder then it looks to make it level, if you're defending that it's easy you haven't tried it before. Goodnight and Peace Out

senseoffender 2

Or maybe you are just to dumb to realize what I mean if u get rid the ENTIRE leg on each corner there will be no more legs on the bed if u don't have any legs on the bed to even and if u can't do that then u should put on a helmet :)

senseoffender 2

Lol I will wen people stop saying stupid things I mean the guys arguing that its difficult cut the bed shorter evenly wen on fact it's quite easy I mean come on is it really that hard to completely saw the legs of a bed??? I'm mean honestly can someone explain what makes it so difficult???

72- Dude, if you haven't even tried it before, you shouldn't be arguing about it.

senseoffender 2

I did it for my nephew dude wen I was 15 took me like 5 minutes. All u need is measuring tape measure the length u want to remove make a mark their any saw carefully thru what makes that so difficult???

senseoffender 2

I mean I guess if u don't cut thru the wood straight yes it will wobble but it only takes a little cordination to cut thru it straight...either I'm not being clear or u guys just don't no wat ur talking about...

MerrikBarbarian 9

If you are using a table saw, long as you measure accurately, no it's not hard to get something even... They used a hand saw. If you have ever used a hand saw you will know why getting it level is impressive and requires a very steady hand.

Oh my god, people. Senseoffender is a troll; his name is an obvious hint. Stop replying to him, for the sanity of all.

senseoffender 2

Well yea but I mean I used a hand saw I used a block of wood to steady the cut which made it incredibly easy which I assume someone would do but ur right if that wasn't wat was done the. I agree it would be impressive

senseoffender 2

Well yea but I mean I used a hand saw I used a block of wood to steady the cut which made it incredibly easy which I assume someone would do but ur right if that wasn't wat was done the. I agree it would be impressive

At least he's being creative and unless the bed cost an obscene amount of money theres no harm done x)

Just throw him a blanket and let him sleep on the floor. He'll be the coolest kid in the neighborhood.

perdix 29

#3, not so fast. He'd still be a dweeb compared to the really cool kids who sleep under the floorboards.

I guess being stuck in Noor's basement makes you the coolest of them all.

perdix 29

#31, I am now that she got me cable and I can see my "Seinfeld" reruns. Before that, I had to watch homemade videos of her Noor and perdix finger puppet shows -- they were amateurish and creepy.

Excuse me, but I helped produce those films! Anyway, you should be more appreciative. I was going to kill you off at the end, but Noor decided the story would be better if you lived your days as KaySL's sex slave.

perdix 29

#54, no, not that! More hot sex with young women? Anything but that! Aiiiieeeee! PS: if you haven't read B'rer Rabbit, don't bother.

Wittledinosaure 7

Maybe it does? What's wrong with wanting to feel cool? Bet it was because of the boogeyman under the bed.

Wrecking property that someone else paid for is what's wrong with it.

If the OP gave it to them, it is the property of OP's kid. That's what happens when you give someone something. Though it's perfectly possible OP bought their own bed. I bought my first queen bed at 16.

FMLprincess023 13

Oh CUT it could you LEG this happen?!

Your comment actually made me cringe :-|

Study #9's comment, folks. This is a prime example of trying too hard.

everyone mellow out... did you expect a kitten to nail a pun on its first try?

BradTheBrony 19

Yeah, at least everyone SAW what he did there.

Why don't be idiot take the bed frame out and put the mattress on the floor and sleep on it? It's an easier way...

Oh God, I should sleep more. I read that as "hacked off his legs on the bed" and seriously went WTF for a moment.

I had the same first reaction. I was very concerned

I did the same thing!! Glad I'm not the only one haha.

Same here... For a moment I could only think, "that kid is insane". & that he must have gotten it from his parents seeing as how they're posting an FML about it, rather than weeping over the death of their child from massive blood loss.

I read it as the exact same thing. Unfortunately, it is only 10.15pm here, so I don't have being tired as an excuse!

DFresh503 8

This would make sense if OP was Jigsaw...

Why didn't he just put his mattress on the floor instead of ruining a perfectly good bed frame?

RedPillSucks 31

Because many teenagers don't use most of their brains.

correction: Most teenagers dont use ANY of their brains.

glad you pointed out it was a step brother's reference. I don't think anyone would have gotten it with out your help.