By bit - 30/07/2009 10:01 - United States

Today, me and my girls went to get revenge on a girl who slept with my boyfriend by egging her house. Her house was too far away so we decided to get her truck. We wasted a carton of eggs on her driveway because we all have terrible aim and look incredibly stupid for missing so bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 481
You deserved it 64 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First, you shouldn't be mad at her. HE is the one who dogged you. Secondly, grow up, get a life and realize that anyone who makes you that angry and treats you like that isn't worth the power it takes to squish a bug. What a waste. Go find someone who acctually loves you and wants to be with you. Come on, suck it up and move on, and have a nice day. You deserve better.

Lolbrittany 0

should've egged HIS house/vehicle.


domgian99 3

umm ur boyfriend slept with her?

Heathtastic 10

Maybe you'll learn to be an adult about things like this when you graduate the 3rd grade.

You're an asshole for trying to damage her property cause your boyfriend was unfaithful.

horizontalline 18

It wasn't missing the truck that made you look like idiots. The thing that did it was blaming the girl that slept with your boyfriend.

You do know that your boyfriend also slept with her. Besides move on what are eggs supposed to teach her.

nnnntr 17

If you hit her drive way with eggs wouldn't that mean you were at her house

Two questions. 1. Why is it not 'ex-boyfriend' now? 2. Perhaps she didn't know he was taken, so why not egg his house instead? I'm sure at least he knew he was in a relationship at the time.

YDI cause you need to go up closer or just punch her in the face next time you see her

Dude, it wasn't the girl's fault. She probably didn't have a clue about the OP being with the boyfriend.

Egging someones house at your age? You already looked stupid before we found out you had bad aim

If I were you I would've egged the boyfriend's house not the girl's car. He's the one in a relationship so he's obligated not to sleep with anyone but you.