By anx133 - 15/01/2009 08:05 - China

Today, like any other day I struggled to put my boots on, went to pee and noticed my pants were covered in what looked like a green dust. I touched it, sniffed it, and it smelled utterly horrendous. So I took my boots off again only to find that one of my cats had took a dump in one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 514
You deserved it 3 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how can you not tell there was poop in your shoes when you put it on?

your cat ***** green dust?? what the hell are you feeding it?!?


How can one get something from inside a boot on your pants? Where you trying to pit the boot on your thigh?

They were thigh high boots and it was at the top of the boot and down inside from putting them on.

NONE of my cats poo anywhere beyond the long as I keep it clean. Can't exactly blame you use the public toilet stall covered in shit?

you seriously couldn't feel it when you put your foot in?

randybryant799 20

I'm not understanding how your foot didn't feel that and I can't figure out the green dust stuff on your pants. I've never seen dusty poop.