By ducky2721 - 02/01/2010 13:46 - United States

Today, while working my overnight shift, I went into the isolation room to find some items for a former client. The door fell shut and the magnetic lock went to work. Both unit telephones and my cell phone were lying on the desk, and I waited four hours for my supervisor to rescue me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 674
You deserved it 4 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... you do realize most women's pants don't have real pockets, or at least pockets big enough to hold anything more than loose change, right? I would give like... my favorite Lego set to a clothing designer who made women's pants with usable pockets.

Did you get paid for those four hours? *edit-* whoops I thought the op said they were working overtime...


Did you get paid for those four hours? *edit-* whoops I thought the op said they were working overtime...

Reyo 2

Always have your cell phone on you... ...always...

plutosaplanet 0

well now you know how it feels to be in the isolation room. sounds to me like the easiest 4 hours of work ever

schwinn11 0

No kid'n, I would've took a nap

Except you generally go nuts when your in one because you are completely alone with nothing to do most people can't handle being in one that long

What do you do for a job? This post doesn't make a lot of sense without some context.

dangletsbang21 0

yeah this post confused me. ?

I knew doors closed.......never knew they fell

tell about your job. otherwise it doesn't make much sense....

blu27 0

sounds like a plot for a kids show

Be thankful you didn't get locked in a fridge..

... i got locked in a fridge...those big walk in sucked.