Keep busy, don't think of the void

By Anonymous - 02/11/2021 20:00

Today, we had a meeting at work, during which I got reprimanded for "disappearing." I'm the only one who constantly stays busy, since I'm broken in a way that my self-worth directly correlates with how productive I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 859
You deserved it 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see how that squares. Are you somehow productive when you disappear? That is certainly possible, but you didn't state how that works. And if your self-worth is tied to productivity, why does the criticism of HOW you are productive matter? If you are really saying you rely on your boss's praise, then this makes more sense.

Sounds like you have my problem. My parents acted like they didn’t love me if i still had chores that needed to be done.


I don't see how that squares. Are you somehow productive when you disappear? That is certainly possible, but you didn't state how that works. And if your self-worth is tied to productivity, why does the criticism of HOW you are productive matter? If you are really saying you rely on your boss's praise, then this makes more sense.

It doesn’t say where op works, it’s not necessarily a desk job. I worked as a stocker in a big store and one day I got written up for going “missing” even though I was working hard.

I was the assistant manager at a movie theater for a few years. Part of my job, in addition to working concessions, was to do office work like inventory orders or loading the movies to the projectors. If I wasn’t helping concessions, I’d sometimes get a talking to, but they also didn’t really like me staying after my shift to get the work done. When I finally left the job (I was having issues with some coworkers publicly not respecting me), my boss said I would’ve been a perfect personal assistant if she could have afforded it.

Sounds like you have my problem. My parents acted like they didn’t love me if i still had chores that needed to be done.