By apple - 16/07/2010 19:38 - Netherlands

Today, it's my 18th birthday. I was telling my friends a story when my mom started talking. I simply said 'Mom...' so she'd realize she interrupted me. She gave me the finger and called me rude in front of all my friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 646
You deserved it 6 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahaiseeyou 0

you should have a little talk with your mother


my mom does that too -_- PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! mines next week! ^_^

Well op you can't fight fire with fire. You interupted her and she didn't know she interrupted you so she thought you were being rude. Maybe she is a botched but this is no big deal.

bARbi3_d0Ll 0

maybe your mom just wanted some attention

FMGrammar 0

soak her ****** in Tabasco sauce

FMGrammar 0

btw #20 you give me hope for the future generation and their STD's and young pregnancy statistics... :)

hahah, jullie maffe zuid-hollanders toch!

random_acc_name 5

#19 and #26 - when you interrupt someone, it is not possible to not realize that you are interrupting. So, OP's mother is a bitch. And #27's "respect your elders" is wrong too. The fact that someone is a generation older than you doesn't automatically mean they have earned your respect. If said someone is a douche and other kinds of bad things, they're not worthy of a decent person's respect. EDIT: I don't know why this appeared as a reply to #1. It wasn't intended that way.

Flip her off right back. If you've not the backbone to STAND FOR YOURSELF, why should you expect others to do it in your place? (A bit of backbone goes a long ways).

my mom would do that exact same thing! :P lmfao!!

my mum rarely does that in the car haha op: she kanyed you...Chris brown that woman.

71: That would get me backhanded. Even as an adult, Mom trumps other conversations. Fair enough-- if I had to raise teenagers, I'd deserve the privelege too!

emmanizzer 6

im not exactly sure how this is an fml. its a bit embarassing for you but its not like anyone thinks any badly of you, its all on your mom.

haha!(: i moderated thissss one!(: HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!!(: 

who cares if your one of the people who clicked a yes button to this FML, cuz I sure as hell don't

YourEvilHero 12

I turned 18 on Wednesday too

#34 you read my mind. that girl will be preganant before she reaches 18.

hahaiseeyou 0

no im not, that would be stupid

****** beat her face with your friends purse. r a brick. be the super powered OP. :3

Sounds like my mom. She'd cut me off and think it's ok but when I accidentally do it to her she goes insane and lectures me on manners.

iFacade, you are a total dumbass. This woman sounds like she has mental problems and is unfit to raise a human being. Apparently, you have no idea what it is like to live with someone like this or you wouldn't be making such ignorant comments. If you think this is cool behavior and someone who treats people this way should be looked up to, I'd really hate to see how you treat people. Grow the **** up.

hahaiseeyou 0

you should have a little talk with your mother

Or just slap her.. whichever way, whichever way...

JustJess666 0

it does look like she is... or maybe her ass is eating her arm.... oh no save it quick!!!

nightELFassasin6 0
JustJess666 0

happy birthday btw lol now on ur 21st get trashed n give her the finger n say this is for interrupting me on my 18th!!! bitch! lol

xGet_Over_It 0

I look ******* dumb. I'm just saying.

If you could type properly, you wouldn't look so dumb. Perhaps you meant to say the person you were replying to looked dumb? Epic fail.

So what's your birthday got to do with anything? Your mom is allowed to interrupt you when you talk on all other days?

jasper456 0

no she was saying that her mom is so rude that even on her birthday she's a bitch not that op is a push over

I don't understand the whole "treat me like royalty on my birthday" mentality. I understand why OP mentioned it; I just think it's unnecessary information.

Agreed, TIJD. I see it way too many times here and in real life, where people become entitlement ****** just because it's their birthday. I really don't think that the OP needed to include the first sentence, though; to me it's just irrelevant. She probably put it in here just so all the commentators would wish her a happy birthday.

xSarahBaabyx94 0

wow OP your mom is a bitch or coul possibly be PMSing /: watch out but I feel bad since it's your birthday and you kind of instigated it upon yourself but I completely understand. FYL OP; haha, that's why I couldn't wait to move out(:

Vash_41288 10

#12 why do you have that picture up?

AVGNRocks 0

what the hell does being 18 matter?