By adults acting like children - 17/09/2016 20:31 - United States - Danvers

Today, it's been almost two weeks since any of my relatives have talked to me. They are still mad because I didn't go on a Labor Day trip with them and I've found out why. Apparently, they had plans for me to babysit my younger cousins any time they wanted to do something fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 910
You deserved it 788

Same thing different taste


cheshireau 26

Stuff that! Not your circus, not your monkeys.

Adults/parents like this piss me off. They have no right to be mad, they tried to be conniving and sneaky and it backfired. If they truly wanted something from you, how about using words and asking? Not to mention, it isn't someone else's job to drop everything to look after another person's children. You don't get to try and pawn off your child on other people, then get mad when they don't accept that. Having kids means you're going to have less freedom and need to look after and take care of them, comes with the territory of being a parent. They're THEIR children, if they didn't want the responsibility of looking after kids, they shouldn't have had kids.

Scorpio1691 29

I could not have phrased that better. I totally agree.

Exactly. But those of us who don't have kids because we like our child-free lifestyle are the selfish ones. <smh> As for you, OP, that's just rotten. Why should you have to go on a trip with them to be roped into babysitting (probably without pay)? Screw them.

jellenwood 35

Well, good thing you didn't go, they sound like selfish pricks.

Next time u r invited simply decline and give them the classified pages, be sure to circle IN RED all babysitter ads

nykkilynn16 7

I can't stand when people do this. Leave the kids home or take turns. It is not others' responsibility to watch your demon spawn. If you want to be free to do whatever you want, don't have kids.

You should be glad you didn't go. As long as you don't talk to them, hopefully they'll realize that was an unbelievably selfish thing to do. Don't get kids if you don't want to be with them. If this ever happens again and you're pawned off as a babysitter, I suggest flat out refusing unless they pay you, and maybe even not then.

you didn't deserve it, they did if that's the reason they wanted you to go.

Wow! They're mad they couldn't manipulate and use you. Nice.

stand your ground. you did right by you.

You don't need money to have fun. Sometimes you can have fun knowing you're making someone elses life miserable.