By SaveMeTeddy - 16/10/2013 18:48 - Canada - Burnaby

Today, it hit me that I'm incredibly pathetic, when at the age of 21, I tucked my stuffed animals into bed with me, facing in different directions so they could keep watch for monsters while I slept. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 100
You deserved it 16 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pathetic? Hardly! Those monsters under the bed are only slightly scarier than the ones in the closet. It's a damned good thing you have such good protection.

josebaseball11 14

Well if you haven't been attacked by monsters yet, then they're doing a good a job.


I had to sleep on the couch with a nightlight on after watching a scary clip on the Internet the other day. I'm 29. You are not alone. Lol

I have 30 teddys on my bed and 40 in the other room on their own bed, being 26 doesn't stop me from liking them :p

Don't sweat it OP. Someone has to look out for monsters. You are not pathetic at all!

I sleep with my Packers blankey to scare away the Bears, Lions, and Vikings

I still sleep with a bunny I've had for 25 years. I'm afraid to have my feet under my bed, and I try not to let my feet dangle over the edge of my bed. I also keep my closet doors open ALL the time, and have done so my whole life. In my old room I actually had my dad take the closet doors off. Monsters are a very real fear for me :/

FluffyArt 6

See, I keep my closet doors CLOSED, so the snake killer inside will make noise if it tries to come out to get me. I always get freaked out if they are left open.

As long as you don't act that way in public, I don't see it as a truly bad thing. Well. Except the boogeyman can't come

Better than sleeping with a knife next to your bed...wait I do that...

Lol, why not both? I cuddle my stuffed friends at night but also have my awesome knife on the nightstand for extra security. (:

No way that it is patethic. I still sleep with a stuffed animal beside my bed atleast even when my boyfriend is home with me. It is soothibg for the child inside you! :)

perdix 29

What is pathetic is that you think stuffed animals will put up a credible defense against monsters! I'm way older than 21 and my array of GI Joes have successfully repelled many monster invasions.