By Anonymous - 25/12/2011 06:25 - United Kingdom

Today, is Christmas day. Normally, I'd spend it with family. However, my boss decided everyone has to work today, despite the fact that there's enough people who want to work to run the place. Apparently it's "fairer" if we all have to do it - except him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 712
You deserved it 2 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Santa will probably take a shit down your boss's chimney. Merry Christmas to everyone.

That's extremely selfish of him...I hope you got to spend some time with your family.


Benelli_SkM 0

I think there was a typo somewhere...

What a Scrooge! So sorry to hear that

pwincessa23 1

The burger king? Because this sounds more like something McD's would do. Trust me, I would know.

spekledworf 18

I gotta work too on all major holidays like every one else to make it fair : and I don't get time and a half or any sort pf extra pay

That's extremely selfish of him...I hope you got to spend some time with your family.

KiddNYC1O 20

If there's a Santa, I'm sure she's with them now.

What happened to statutory holidays your boss can't make you work on Christmas

saIty 17

Santa will probably take a shit down your boss's chimney. Merry Christmas to everyone.

saIty 17

True, but hey there's always next year.

cnastydawg 0

I'm down to take a shit with Santa

PYLrulz 17

I'm sure Santa can make special deliveries throughout the year.


Maybe the Easter bunny can do it for him and deliver some "Easter eggs".

bertoelmexicano 6

Well you at least get to spend it with the "corporate family" :)

Haha_oh_wait 4

Employers count on that attitude in this bad economy to treat employees like shit. A bad economy with low jobs does not mean its ok for low pay and crap treatment. The economy won't recover like that and if it does and people accept any workplace bullshit, we will all just be sweat shop workers. Sorry for those who are looking for a job. But the ones that have one should be treated right and should fight for that so when those of us who are looking do find one, we won't be treated like shit.

rebekahah 7

Everyone's equal, but some are more equal than others...

Make* It does make sense if you think about it.

PeeblesWiggins 0

18, It makes perfect nonsense.

Its a reference to animal farm... Amidoinitrite?

12& 20 No. No...and no. Please visit your local library tomorrow and hand the nice lady behind the counter the phone with what #10 wrote showing on it. She will help you more than we can.

24, no. no... and no. Wtf are you thinkin givin a random lady your phone?!

Lmao at #24! Thank God someone got the reference! Love your answer even better! :D

Make a deal with your coworkers who don't mind to work on Christmas and go to your family. Your boss isn't there, so he won't notice. Unless you have coworkers who'd rat you out, then it's probably best to work after all.