By JunkDex - 23/12/2015 07:45 - Australia - Merrylands

Today, my boss thought it would be a great idea to delay paying me until after Christmas. There goes rent, bills, food and of course Christmas presents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 579
You deserved it 1 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

clintml11 13

What a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four flushing, low life, snake licking, dirt eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat ass, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed sack of monkey shit!

Revenge plan: 1. Set up office secret Santa. 2. Rig it so you get your boss. 3. Shit in a box. 4. Gift wrap said box. 5. Attach note that says 'made me think of you!' 6. Enjoy!


Ask for it, if they do not give it to you go to someone higher up.

ViRepz 28

Most likely his boss is a small business owner, and pays his staff himself.

There goes Ebenezer Scrooge! Better pray he gets some ghostly visitors tonight.

clintml11 13

What a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four flushing, low life, snake licking, dirt eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat ass, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed sack of monkey shit!

I mentally gasped for air at the end.

Squeepy 19

Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

My favorite movie quote of all time. Thanks for posting that in the most appropriate way imaginable.

For some reason, it started out normal in my head and then ended up with Bill Cosby noises in my head...

WiiperWapper 12

He should send this (anonymously) to his boss!

On the bright side, your New Years Eve party is going to be bangin' given that you'll have been forced to skip Christmas and all; gotta celebrate somehow!

Revenge plan: 1. Set up office secret Santa. 2. Rig it so you get your boss. 3. Shit in a box. 4. Gift wrap said box. 5. Attach note that says 'made me think of you!' 6. Enjoy!

getfokinrektm8 9

Or you could just anonymously shit in a box? Sounds a lot better if you don't want to get fired.

luciorossari 8

5 words: haribo sugar free gummy bears.

That's illegal. Go to the next higher up, or payroll department. Failing that, file a complaint with the appropriate government agency

josiemorehouse 12

#17 - Not all companies are set for Friday payroll. My company does semi-monthly pay checks: the 15th and the last day of the month. Depending on the company OP works for, it may be a small business where the manager is the owner, thus he/she would be able to choose a different day to pay the employees. If the company OP works for DOES have a payroll/HR department, he should definitely contact them to address the issue, as the manager should not be able to overrule the standard HR payroll system. It really does suck, and hopefully OP will get paid on time.

In Australia, if payday is a certain day (in this case Friday, most likely), and a public holiday falls on that day, the company is obligated to pay it BEFORE the normal payday. Of course smaller companies get away with not doing this, but it is generally the law. On the downside, its the 24th of December, one shouldnt be relying on a pay due on the 25th (I'm only guessing) to buy Christmas presents. There's leaving things to the last minute, and LEAVING THINGS TO THE LAST MINUTE. On the upside, they get 2 pays within 7 (or 14) days of each other. The next payday doesnt come in late just because this one did (unless its paid weekly, then NYD will probably cop the same thing).

Firstly, I work at maccas in Australia, if payroll is a public holiday, it gets put through later, so we don't get paid until after. Also, it takes a while for some fml's to be posted, so this one probably wasn't posted today. Or OP could've used a credit card to get the presents and now isn't getting paid to pay off the credit card and has to return said gifts (which you can't fit to say in the post, although I do doubt that possibility)

Doesn't he have to pay you every set number of weeks? Even if that's not the case that is really rude and inconsiderate. Try to talk to HR if you have one.

Brokeandsad 8
thubbz 3

Wait do people really wait until the 23rd to buy all of your Christmas presents?

Believe it or not, a lot of people live paycheck to paycheck. Maybe they didn't want to wait until last minute to do Christmas shopping; maybe the last check just didn't allow for it.

Paycheck to paycheck sucked. I got out of it by putting $20 a week away in a saving account. Discipline yourself and pretend like it's a bill. These days I can miss three months of work before running out of cash. But, it took me over a year to build up that much.

Also, a lot of people don't post their FMLs the DAY something shitty happened to them. "Today" is one of the rules for getting published. This could have happened last week. Then there's however long it takes to get moderator approval...

I had to....i get paid weekly and have to plan my spending around bills. So I had to plan it so that the paycheck I got last week would be the one I spent on Christmas....not everyone has the luxury of being able to spend that kind of money without proper planning.