By Anonymous - 28/11/2011 15:45 - United States

Today, in science class, we had to make play-dough with our lab partners. We were allowed to put one thing in it to make it more bouncy or rubbery. My partner said that he wanted to put a chicken wing in ours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 278
You deserved it 3 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kickazz16 15

Throw it against his head. Maybe itll bounce Some knowledge into his head.

biasedshooter 24

You should sell those, you could make some serious dough!


Perhaps he wanted to take the assignment further and make it fly? I'm jealous of the fact you got to make play dough in school. :]

You never made play doh in your school? We made it in 7th grade cooking class!

all I ever made was my own video game I tell ya it sucks to have family who have worked for ubisoft head development team :( "sigh" I envy the genius need to create ... play-dough

McAninch35 9

I've read 101's comment now and I still can't piece together the logic behind it. If there is anything there

Svelgin 7

Yo, I heard you like playdough so we put playdough in your playdough so you could playdough while you playdough

tylersign 11

I would have put play dough in the play dough. Don't know where he got chicken wings...

Now with up to 4 layers of dough. For only $19.99 a pack.

boarder540 12

Like a hot pocket hot pocket! A hot pocket filled with a hot pocket

Badab1ng 5

Shoulda put some of that new fangled bacon lube in there, makes me salivate just thinking about it.

Where you put with the weirdo in the back of the class?

saIty 17

Right next to your cardboard Bieber.

ilikebreasts 0

No, she was put with that black guy who loves KFC chicken wings.

perdix 29

If he thinks that chicken wings are rubbery, he ought to buy them at a place that isn't Hooters. At Hooters, rubbery is the overarching theme ;)

I thought it was birdwatching, with owls as a special interest?

perdix 29

No, that's the excuse you give to wives and girlfriends. We all go looking for titmice and titis

Thanks for revealing that to me! My boyfriend is getting such a bollocking for not letting me go with him! :P

It sucks when your lab partner is Forest Gump. He probably wanted to put Buffalo wings in first but didn't know where to find a buffalo, right? I'd ask the teacher for a lab partenr that doesn't have to wear a helmet all day long. Good luck on that grade!

gabrielbaby 9

That's just rude. Forest Gump had mental retardation, not stupidity, like you.

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway

Normally, stuff like that would be funny. But you just kinda took it too far.

27, I read the comment multiple times and there's no sarcasm being used. I can tell you're trying to be witty (failing utterly), but wit and sarcasm are two different things entirely. It would have been sarcasm had you said something like "Is your partner's name Forest Gump per chance?" but that would have also pushed it too far. You're not funny nor sarcastic, in case you didn't realize. Making fun of the mentally retarded is in no way funny.

74- actually making fun of mentally challenged people can be pretty funny. Have you not seen The Ringer?

Are you guys seriously getting worked up over a fictional character...

A fictional character... That changed us forever o.o

p3mguin 7

It took me a while to even read the definition. Learn, sir. And are you trying to be funny with the buffalo comment because that made you look a lot stupider. NICE JOB THO. here's a chicken Wing to the face!!

A fictional character? No. It's the comparison between op's partner and the character's persona, mental retardation, that is what is being addressed. What the original commenter has done here is suggest he is being sarcastic about suggesting op's partner is mentally challenged and quite possibly offending someone who indeed does have a loved one with a similar disease. That being said, when reading the comment there is zero sarcasm period which creates irony, that someone well prepared with a definition of the word can not provide an example but instead a dim witted attempt at insulting another person and claiming it is sarcasm. So Forest Gump is not the problem, and the argument has little to do with the actual character. And for the record, the analogy was bad regardless. Forest Gump would have added shrimp.

McAninch35 9

You saw the line, crossed it, then pissed on it from the other side. Not cool, 27.

117- Don't even try and tell me you watched The Ringer without laughing! Although I will admit, I worded that last comment very poorly and made myself look like a dick. Thumb me down, I deserve it.

Hey u should have tried his little experiment, it is science class afterall

Science doesn't test stupid. Unless it's actually testing "stupid."

Nice to see people failed to get what I meant.

If the chicken is from McDonald's it could actually work...