By continuouslyaddingdebt - 14/01/2017 22:00

Today, in an attempt to keep my valuables safe, I snatched my PlayStation 4 controller from the hands of my 4-year-old nephew. Not knowing that it was connected, I ultimately yanked the PlayStation and the HD Flatscreen flat on their faces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 087
You deserved it 7 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either you yanked it much harder than was warranted, seeing as how your tv fell as well, or you have a ridiculously short HDMI cable.

StealthySky 5

<p>I think you need to reevaluate what you consider 'valuables'.</p>


Either you yanked it much harder than was warranted, seeing as how your tv fell as well, or you have a ridiculously short HDMI cable.

cootiequeen4444 11

Opa is more commonly grandpa in German (and maybe others Germanic language..I call3d one of my grandpa's Opa actually and he was eastern European so opa might just be used in certain parts of Europe a lot because idk). Just so you know. Just so you know, #2. Though there is a word like opala or something like that that means oops (my opa whom spoke multiple European languages said it a lot). In Greek, I think opa means something like "cheers"? but don't quote me that. The more you know? idk.

cootiequeen4444 11

*and maybe other Germanic languages

StealthySky 5

<p>I think you need to reevaluate what you consider 'valuables'.</p>

<p>flatscreens and ps4s are expensive. Nephews you can get for $25 from any local **** on the street.&nbsp;</p>

cheshireau 26

Seen the prices for Consoles and HD TV's? They are extremely expensive and valuable

EternalDew 1

Why? He was clearly able to rip the tv out of the wall. So the child may have been able to also. I'd consider a console and a tv valuable.

You wouldn't consider 1000+ dollar equipment 'valuable'?

<p>I started to laugh because I thought you meant the PS hit the kid in the face, but then I realized you meant the TV and PS fell. &nbsp;Sucks, man.</p>

Probably shouldn't admit that you find the thought of people hitting children funny. Just a thought.

<p>Meh. I would have found it funny if he'd yanked the cord and hit HIMSELF in the face with the PS too. &nbsp;I'm an equal opportunity sadist. &nbsp;No shame.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, how did you think yanking something out of a four-year-old's hands was going to go? Because in my experience, it was going to involve sobbing, kicking, grabbing for it back, and a generally miserable time.&nbsp;</p> <p>I get that it's your nephew not your kid but it's not rocket science that you redirect kids away from what they shouldn't have (but isn't dangerous), not try to snatch it out of their hands.</p>

<p>You kind of deserved this. Instead of instantly ripping things out of their hands, redirect their attention or tell them no. They're four, not four months. So, unless they have some sort of disability, they should understand no. Or don't put things out when they visit that they will want to play with.&nbsp;</p>

<p>'In attempt to keep my valuables safe'... Nah, you just didn't want to share.&nbsp;</p>