By SorrySnowWhite - 21/11/2016 20:13 - United States - Baltimore

Today, I yelled at a new employee for violating the company's makeup policy which is minimum coverage. She had red lipstick, very dark drawn eyebrows, and foundation that made her look like a ghost. She took out a makeup wipe and used it then showed me it, only to reveal she doesn't wear any. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 924
You deserved it 15 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry op but ydi. Always ask before you assume. Assumptions often lead to bad results.


I'm sorry op but ydi. Always ask before you assume. Assumptions often lead to bad results.

CrassKal 27

Even if the assumption was correct yelling was out of line. OP sounds like a shit boss.

And making assumptions makes an ass out of u and mptions.

species4872 19

You should hire the rest of the Munsters as well.

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from the description, I'm not sure it would be described as pretty... wearing make up doesn't make you prettier if you don't know how to use it

RpiesSPIES 27

No, it doesn't necessarily mean she's pretty, but OP could *say* that's why. It's just little white lie. Won't hurt nobody. ;)

tounces7 27

She could just have tattoo'd on makeup.

@tounces7 Thats what I thought as I was reading it.

That's really worth yelling at someone about?

Instead of yelling about something that minor, maybe you should politely speak to employees. Or you know, check to make sure they're actually wearing make up before flipping your lid.

Either you're just a coworker, in which case it's not up to you to discipline people for not respecting the company policy (though a heads up is generally appreciated), or you're a superior, in which case abusing your power by yelling at her is unprofessional and just a shitty thing to do.

that poor girl! u shouldn't yell at ppl for something as stupid as makeup. YDI!

The eyebrows might have been tattooed on, but I doubt she had "permanent" ghost white foundation lol. Her lips could have been tattooed red too, but maybe not. People have mistaken me many times for wearing lipstick when I'm not.

Tattooed red lips? That is a very painful, yet awesome idea!

Maybe don't be a douche and actually learn to manage your personnel properly instead of shouting about a first offense, you prick.