Et tu, Brute?

By FML - 10/09/2017 16:00

Today, I returned home from my aunt's funeral abroad to find my boyfriend in bed with my sister, who claimed she was unable to fly due to the flu. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 835
You deserved it 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know what's worse - the fact she slept with your boyfriend, or the fact that she actually gave up going to your aunt's funeral to do it. I'm sorry for your losses, both aunt and the loss of a decent sister.

I hope you told the rest of the family what you caught her doing. She sounds pathetic if she skipped the funeral of a relative just to backstab you, and hopefully the rest of the family agrees.


I am so sorry. I honestly don't understand why This wasn't an fml

I don't know what's worse - the fact she slept with your boyfriend, or the fact that she actually gave up going to your aunt's funeral to do it. I'm sorry for your losses, both aunt and the loss of a decent sister.

I hope you told the rest of the family what you caught her doing. She sounds pathetic if she skipped the funeral of a relative just to backstab you, and hopefully the rest of the family agrees.

She wasn’t exactly lying — she was saying that if you “flu” away, she’d bang your boyfriend. The good news is that your (I hope you mean EX-)boyfriend is infected with her “flu” and whatever STI’s that **** has contracted.

You will find his distasteful and non-funny comments on a lot of posts. Wonder if he has anything better to do.

Lobby_Bee 17

Your boyfriend trying to keep her warm with his body?

Zachary8261 28

Why didn't you stab "it" on the spot?

She may not have been at the funeral, but she's certainly dead to you now.

She was sick OP. She was sick of how happy you were with your boyfriend and she just had to do something about it.

I'm sure he was just giving her a throat culture.... open wide and say Ahhhh.