By Sarcasmo - 12/07/2016 20:04 - United States - Madison

Today, I'm so broke that I had to get a refund for my unopened hummus, just so I'd be able to afford the bus fare to get to work tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 859
You deserved it 1 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justcommenting19 19

Well, on the bright side, you still got to where to need to be.


justcommenting19 19

Well, on the bright side, you still got to where to need to be.

aw that sucks, but hopefully good jobs and opportunities will come your way :))

Baby won't you come my way (" cries" songs stuck in my head "damit")

All I gotta do is put my mind to this shit

no matter how i read 10's comment I just can't seem to comprehend the train of thought

Neither can I, the world is weird like that....or is it just me? Probably just me.

I'm sorry, OP. I'm sure your sacrifice will work in your favour though. Maybe when you get paid, you will be able to treat yourself to all the hummus you want

FalloutScrolls 25

You know OP is from Wisconsin because he didn't return the bratwurst for a refund.

I absolutely love your xenophobia. Where did you get that? Was it expensive or did you get it cheap.

Seeing as how fallout is also from Wisconsin I'm not understanding your xenophobia comment. I'm sorry Op is suffering financially but hot damn a jokes a joke

Also from Wisconsin, and brat jokes are not xenophobic. Pointing out that people do, say, or eat different things in different locations is not xenophobia. Calm down and actually enjoy diversity for a change.

Okay, I have to be the one that calls BS here, because stores would not accept returned perishables, on the mere fact that they may be spoiled or old and you're trying to scam them.

At least you didn't give up and try and live off the government like some people

Mathalamus 24

You are aware that there are people who need it just to survive? Or cannot work at all? Or is short on money even with a job? People like you forget the legitimate uses for it.

You mean like Politicians and government agencies? I don't know if you live in the U.S. but there is a lot of wasteful spending by the U.S. government and our politicians with U.S. taxpayers money. But you're okay with that? Those people who get government or public assistance whether they deserve it or not does not compare to what our politicians make and spend.

Life may suck now, but it will get better over time. Learn to budget a little bit more, stop spending on unnecessary things. If your work place is close to home, try walking or cycling it. Every little helps! Until then try asking for help from family or close friends ( but don't rely on them all the time).

Hey at least your working keep fighting the good fight Maybe try to save up some money cut the fat out of your life good luck OP some people have even less.. Gratitude is the cure for envy