By yawning - 01/02/2011 20:14 - Australia

Today, I woke up at 3am to go to work. This will be my new routine from now on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 934
You deserved it 9 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And I'm assuming you get off roughly eight hours later and have the rest of the day to yourself? Congratulations on having a job.

This website's point is to post anecdotes that you think make your life shitty. If we looked at each FML the way you do with this one, for example with an anecdote posted by a man about his girlfriend, we would see in the comments things like " Well not everybody has a girlfriend. You do, so just shut the **** up ! "


_Vamp_ 9

I personally prefer the night/early early morning shift. It's just something about the night that I love haha

I love the night too. I would much rather spend the night going out and having fun rather than working though. But I hate the mornings, I can never wake up on time. LOL. The hours suck OP, but at least you have a job. (: Times are tough!

abasio 1

Didn't Australia escape the economic problems? Or am I remembering dull dreams again? Any OP I hope you at least get to finish early.

Yes, Australia was not as badly effected as other countries.

emokid13 0

how is this an fml its not even that bad quit bitchin

Exactly what is wrong with working at 3am? Stop being such a sissy and grow a set.

And what time do you get off? 2pm? plenty of time to take a nap. stop being a little bitch

thepieguyisi 4

**** you, I do this all the time and my dad gets up at 2 everyday because he's a baker.

benjimm1 0

I'm a SEAL, I barely get the priviledge to get to go to sleep. just sayin, u guys don't hav it hard