By dvddtraveller - 22/04/2016 21:25 - United States - Oakland

Today, I went to the local clinic and I met a really cute guy. We hit it off quite well, and he asked me out. It's like The Fault in Our Stars, but instead of cancer, we have STDs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 821
You deserved it 7 443

Same thing different taste

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kingdomgirl94 29
OnlySkyrimStays 11


kingdomgirl94 29
Unlucky1232 20

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Except the majority of STDs are curable, and as they were at a clinic they're likely being cured. So if they do have kids, no STDs

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That, and some STDs have nasty side effects.

@24 You are right for the most part. But they could also have been at a clinic to get medicine for a reoccurring STD. My friend has HSV1 and gets an outbreak about once a year so that's when she goes to the clinic. HSV can be passed while giving birth but only really if the mother is having an outbreak, which in that case the doctors will preform a C-section. I believe the same can be said for HPV.

I moderated this. I laughed hard then and laughed hard here. Hopefully not bad STD's that stay with uou forever.

yeah hopefully just the clap or public lice(not that I think that counts)

OnlySkyrimStays 11

It's amazing you have a lot in common... It really aucks that it had to be this...

kewpiesuicide 29

Hopefully it's at least the same one

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"Well that explains the scar".. haha.. (even if it's quite impossible) :)

#9. OP said that they BOTH were at the clinic when they met each other. Maybe, just maybe, because they had already contracted the "cooties" prior on their own???

lifegavemelemonz 4

You're such a ****! There is beauty in OPs story. Why give it that awkward ending?