By hrmpf - 19/01/2016 14:37 - Germany - Bremen

Today, I went to the hairdresser for the first time in the country I just moved to. Guess I don't speak the language as well as I thought. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 993
You deserved it 2 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So I guess your language skills just aren't cutting it, huh?

andits 21

Next time take a pic of the hair you want.


andits 21

Next time take a pic of the hair you want.

Redgy22 26

Yep, a picture is worth a thousand words.

FalloutScrolls 25

Hell I do that even though my hairdresser speaks English. I am terrible with the fashion vocabulary.

What a hairy situation. If anything, you could shave your head- try out the new look.

So I guess your language skills just aren't cutting it, huh?

This is probably the best joke I've heard all week.

The same thing probably happened to the weeknd

cosmic_peanut 17

insert comment about "carrying" for OP and how you are sorry and hope he is ok and all that shit HERE

Don't think anyone's ever said they'd be carrying about OP

The most useless comment I've read in a while. Good job, 6.

If they're anything like the ones here in the US they might not even be speaking the same language as you, but if they are, best to get some needed practice

It could also be possible you ended up with a not-so-great hairdresser. I was born in raised in the US and I have ended up with the exact opposite of what I asked on at least three occasions. good news is, is just hair, it grows back.

Yes but if you've got very long hair and they cut a lot off, it can take years :(

Did you end up looking like Flo? (Progressive commercial)

Its hard to get what you want even in your own language, and as #8 said, you could have been with a not so great hairdresser. Bring a picture of what you want next time!!