**** my shit up, please

By SteveO))) - 04/08/2024 20:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a new hair salon that has just opened down my street. I asked them for a trim and a little bit of layering, just to keep things smart and professional. I walked out looking like a cross between a pineapple and a mop. Of course, as is often the case after a bad haircut, I have a job interview in two hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 384
You deserved it 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you think to stop them when it became clear that something was wrong. I would have demanded that they recut it. As you said, your job interview was in two hours. That's more than enough time for them to rectify their (possibly intentional) mistake. I don't see how a trim and layering can be misunderstood to mean mop and pineapple.

Two hours before an interview is not the time for experimentation.


Why didn't you think to stop them when it became clear that something was wrong. I would have demanded that they recut it. As you said, your job interview was in two hours. That's more than enough time for them to rectify their (possibly intentional) mistake. I don't see how a trim and layering can be misunderstood to mean mop and pineapple.

Two hours before an interview is not the time for experimentation.