I'm sitting right here

By Anonymous - 24/09/2019 06:00 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I got my nails done at a salon where everyone working there was Vietnamese. During my manicure, the manicurists talked about how ugly I was in their native tongue. They couldn't have known that I'd lived in Vietnam and I'm fluent in Vietnamese, but too chickenshit to speak up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 309
You deserved it 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have said goodbye in Vietnamese or maybe something like "goodbye you ugly bitches".

Sady_Ct 37

Put in a complaint, either written or verbal but definitely in Vietnamese. It doesn’t matter who you are or what service you are receiving, no one deserves to be treated this badly.


Reminds me of that time in school some Dominican kids were talking about me in spanish thinking I cant understand them even though im Dominican myself. Then told them I can understand them amd they said that they were just joking.

You should have said goodbye in Vietnamese or maybe something like "goodbye you ugly bitches".

blondie45 21

Smile and wave with your pretty new nails! They’re just jealous because you can afford to have your nails done whilst they will always just be nail technicians. And what do you care what a bunch of small mind bitches think of you anyway!

slhiggx 17

That’s just offensive. What is it you do for a living? Do you even know what op does for a living? There are people out here getting their nails done without rent paid.

Sady_Ct 37

Put in a complaint, either written or verbal but definitely in Vietnamese. It doesn’t matter who you are or what service you are receiving, no one deserves to be treated this badly.

Should have said you like the color in Vietnamese.

Next time, bring Frank Costanza with you. He'd tell them what's what, ha!

j2quared 1

It sucks to be treated like that but if you paid any kind of money for that treatment, that's on you.

They meant that OP shouldn't have paid at all. All Mani-Pedi places I've been is that you pay after, as you also tip people like that too. OP should have explained in Viet at the counter when it was completed.

As you leave say thank you for your service but I won't be coming here again in their native tongue.

bl3ur0z3 17

I hope that, at the end, you thanked them in Vietnamese and left no tip.