By manlyman - 05/04/2009 13:32 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor's office because my wife and I are having some fertility problems. As I removed my pants, the doctor simply looked at my penis and said, "Mhm." My wife laughed the whole way home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 283
You deserved it 5 287

Same thing different taste

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ROFL. maybe they should like make some kind of viagara commercial with this, and then you come back the next day, and the doctor's like OH DAYUMM =)


Sakeyaki 0

I love how every FML always gets at least 100 YDI's, no matter what it says. How the hell do you say YDI to a dude with a small dick? It's not like he failed the exam that determines whether he gets a big dick, or something. Hilarious FML nonetheless.

Hope you're a grower, not a show-er!

taureau139 0

wtf does penis size have to do with sperm production.. this is stupid

The area inside the ****** is toxic to sperm, so the lønger the dick, the more likely the egg is gønna be fertilized.

vitaminsandminer 0

#22 youre a dumbass why would he leave his wife? she obviously still loves his despite the size of his dick, i would laugh at someone too if this happened just because its funny, her laughing doesnt mean she doesnt love him and to the op that sucks but lots of guys are small but then then they get get hard they are huge, so maybe that applies to you? and if not whatever, you know if you please your wife or not and thats what matters, the doctor isnt the one having sex with you

vitaminsandminer 0

#22 youre a dumbass why would he leave his wife? she obviously still loves his despite the size of his dick, i would laugh at someone too if this happened just because its funny, her laughing doesnt mean she doesnt love him and to the op that sucks but lots of guys are small but then then they get get hard they are huge, so maybe that applies to you? and if not whatever, you know if you please your wife or not and thats what matters, the doctor isnt the one having sex with you

Haha, don't worry about it you will have babies and she still loves you. There is more to a relationship than sex and more to sex than dick size.

There's nothign wrong with what the Dr. did in this situation he was probably thinkin if you have a narrow penis it mean less sperm will get througn remember King if The Hill? Hank had a narrow urethra