By Anonymous - 12/07/2021 14:00 - United States - Verona

Today, it was one of those days when my housemates thinks they can bug me every five minutes when I'm trying to work from home. Doing this or talking about that, wrecking my train of thought on complicated work until it's a railyard of disaster. Is it five o'clock yet? FML
I agree, your life sucks 847
You deserved it 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Have you told your housemate you need peace and quiet to work and can’t be interrupted? And when the direct approach doesn’t work, try headphones - I used to find music distracting also but discovered ambient, wordless music that actually helps me focus rather than distracts me. This could have the dual purpose of tuning out your housemate and signaling to them that you’re busy and shouldn’t be interrupted. Also, assuming you don’t share a room, try working from your room rather than in a common area, with a note on your door not to be disturbed. But ultimately, I think you should really verbally clarify to your roommate that you need peace and quiet. Hopefully it works. People can be so inconsiderate and it drives me up the wall! Good luck!

And if none of those work, a simple “shut the @$%& up” yelled at the top of the lungs would also work.


Marcella1016 31

Have you told your housemate you need peace and quiet to work and can’t be interrupted? And when the direct approach doesn’t work, try headphones - I used to find music distracting also but discovered ambient, wordless music that actually helps me focus rather than distracts me. This could have the dual purpose of tuning out your housemate and signaling to them that you’re busy and shouldn’t be interrupted. Also, assuming you don’t share a room, try working from your room rather than in a common area, with a note on your door not to be disturbed. But ultimately, I think you should really verbally clarify to your roommate that you need peace and quiet. Hopefully it works. People can be so inconsiderate and it drives me up the wall! Good luck!

And if none of those work, a simple “shut the @$%& up” yelled at the top of the lungs would also work.