By Anonymous - 03/04/2009 05:23 - Canada
Top comments
Duse that sucks! I love cats.
Oh man that sucks. I'd probably break down and cry.
wow, you mustn't have checked very recently then, they do that all the time where I'm from
Someone's targeting OP, weapon of choice: cats.
I feel sorry for you, hives suck.
Scratched up seats vs hives - should have been an easy choice! :)
Geez, what kinda genius are you? Just call someone and ask them to get the cat out for you? It's not exactly rocket science.
wait.... the only way a cat could randomly be in there is if the window was open. In which case, it would still be open. I call BS
ditto #5 how did the cat get there? this must be another april fools prank gone wrong

Depending on the car you have, it's very possible for a cat to get into a car. You know how curiosity kills the cat? My mom once drove around town with one of our cats under the hood because it climbed up there and slept. It just stayed there the whole time.
Hehe i love the illustration x3