By strawberry - 17/11/2015 17:51 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I went to see a movie with a seemingly nice guy after a friend set us up. As soon as the movie started, he unzipped his pants and told me to, "Get to it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 500
You deserved it 2 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have laughed and promptly moved to another seat!

TAntobella 14


tiredofwaiting 25

Don't trust your friend again for setting you up.

i can actually see that being a funny joke if you knew the guy. ive done similar things to girls I am really good friends with and they laugh. then again im bi and they see me as gay so...

I would've punched him in the face and then I would leave.

AScooterman 12

Be sure to tell all your friends that that person is a total pervert. Hopefully you found a quick and easy ride home that didn't involve the perv.

Im sorry that something like this happened to you. Even though many here are joking and laughing about this, I dont think sexual harrassment is a laughing matter. I hope you are doing ok, and I hope that it never happenes again. I also hope you find a guy worth going on a first and maybe even a second date with.

Your bio says you're a sarcastic person but you mostly just seem like a really nice one.

Drentiful 9

Dafuq!? Should have grabbed his balls and squeezed then went to another seat and watched the movie alone. lol