By trackgurl - 21/02/2009 02:37 - United States

Today, I went to get my blood drawn for the first time. After I explained to the nurse how nervous I was, she replied, "Oh honey, don't worry! This is my first time too!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 734
You deserved it 2 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think she made a funny joke, but you were too nervous to get it.

bsneeze 0

no one wants to hear that, but someone has to be her first victim, i mean patient :-p I have actually had that happen to me before too, but all went well.


I think she made a funny joke, but you were too nervous to get it.

That happened to me too, except she messed up 3 times and collapsed one of my veins...

bsneeze 0

no one wants to hear that, but someone has to be her first victim, i mean patient :-p I have actually had that happen to me before too, but all went well.

carriealana 0

exactly, since they never added details about something bad happening. just freaked them out

quiksta 0

who cares about this or you. getting a needle is not a big deal to the rest of the world

Dr_Phil 0

This happened to me the first time I was donating blood. The guy messed up and put the needle through my vain, which bled into my arm. I never donated blood again.

Bled into your arm? Did he forget to apply pressure? Most veins will clot up in less than 30 seconds with pressure unless there is an underlying bleeding disorder.

alwaysalady 0

When I was in labor with my son I had a crappy nurse miss my vein 6 times trying to hook me up to an IV. Then, after she finally got it in she stepped on the line, broke it in half, and shot my blood all over the delivery room floor. Then the guy with epidural came in, laid a foot long needle on the table and made me sign a release that said if he punctured my spinal fluid I wouldn't sue. Doctors are so scary.

Lol shot your blood all over the delivery room? Unless you have some sky high BP, or she hit an artery, I call BS.

958302 0

Oh gosh, that is the oldest joke in the book when it comes to nurses. They only hear I am scared to be stuck 100 times a day. The worst to whine are men and people covered in tattoos.

lghunter67 0

Oh please you're pathetic. Think of something a little better than that sweet heart.

at least you can give blood, i cant cause for some reason my blood is toxic to others =<

xoGurlxo 0

awwwww, tht would creep me outt!! how did it go?