By Anonymous - 14/04/2012 16:24 - United States - San Juan Capistrano

Today, I went to a blood drive. The nurse taking my blood mentioned that she'd been called in on her day off, and she swore she wasn't drunk. I didn't know what to do, so I just smiled and blinked back tears as she savaged the vein in my arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 833
You deserved it 3 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step 1. Take syringe out of her hand. Step 2. Ask if she'd like to donate blood. Step 3. Regardless of what her answer is, go looking for HER vein. Have fun! And don't blame me for any consequences of your actions!

mhopper 13

Wow. She could have not come in! Is she wearing gloves at least? Who knows what other mistakes she's making! RUN for your life!!!


siriusly96 8

I only go to a specific nurse to give blood. :/

Cool story bro. Guess your life is perfect huh?

Cool story bro! In what chapter do you shut up?


64 - clearly, the intended joke went right over your head

64- I was trying to make people read only the capitalized words and not see "drunk" easily.

Lol, 64 is probably having one of those "oooh" moments... that or he still doesn't get it.

mhopper 13

Wow. She could have not come in! Is she wearing gloves at least? Who knows what other mistakes she's making! RUN for your life!!!

tjv3 10

You should have stood up for yourself and told her you wanted someone else

jordyxjigsaw 11

I'd have a panic attack then go get the manager.

blueandpurpleroc 4

Ask for vikaden to compensate for her stupidity. (:

Squeaky_Tomato 14

* vicodin If you are going to be a drug seeker at least know how to spell the drug you want.

blueandpurpleroc 4

My bad, I've had the spelling autosaved like that forever. Time to change it I guess.

damnnn....yall aint have To jump on the fact that it was spelled wrong.... :/

Oh look it's JongKey :) Don't worry I can't spell either

Girlybanana 2

Well it is her friends rape face...

I can be a scary individual, I don't need my friends rape face to do all the work for me. ;)

Scary I mean Hypertudism... We only can handle so much weird here at FML and I think Noor is about our limit. (she's even too much for some of us.) probably best to tone it down a tad.

Oh I love Noor. Yes, I've been watching her comment for quite a while now.

I have to get blood drawn quite frequently. Even though I go to the same place I have asked for someone else to do it in occasion. I have a fear of needles anyway so if I don't trust who's about to give me one, I won't let them.

Michael_92 20

How about we save them for more pressing matters? Only got one life right, why make a big deal? Someone once put a little dent in my truck and I said it's okay and left...they were shocked. More important things to worry me this day and time.

Some people care about their trucks, or in OP's case: arm.

33, The damage has already been done though, theres nothing they can do to fix it by bringing in a lawsuit. All you'd be doing is taking money away from a charity organisation, which quite honestly makes you a bigger douche. Take it up with the senior person and explain to them why it's unacceptable to make staff work under the influence of alcohol.

Michael_92 20

Point is there are things to sue for and things to now sue for. This isn't one of them.

Step 1. Take syringe out of her hand. Step 2. Ask if she'd like to donate blood. Step 3. Regardless of what her answer is, go looking for HER vein. Have fun! And don't blame me for any consequences of your actions!

bingababe 16

That's like laughing, right?

What to do would of been to ask for a different nurse. If another wasn't available then I would of let management know exactly why they did not get your gift of blood that day.