By noneoftheabove - 28/01/2009 05:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to buy some Ibuprofen and got asked for ID. You have to be over 16 to buy it. I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 530
You deserved it 3 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

no_luck_for_me 0

why would they ID yuu for aspirin? Kids dont have headaches? UK is strange... 18 to drink but get ID'd for tylenol... lol

appleeve 0

Darling, that's a good thing. I know you want to look older and mature, but when you're 59, youll be ecstatic you look young.


DylansMomma 9

Your comment : take it as a compliment.

doglover100 28

Yes yes yes take it as a compliment. But clearly OP was in pain and wanted the Ibuprofen for the pain. When you hurt.. you don't really give a shit about the compliments people give you.

dr_snow_bear 29
SilverWarrior 7

So you're saying FML because you look young? Okay...

Enjoy it, when you're older, it will feel wonderful!

Julesie 9

I suppose that COULD be a good thing? At least they think you're younger...?

hey at lest at the age 30 you will look 22!

I'm 28 and almost everyone thinks I'm 16 or 17 :(