By TappedAnts - 08/04/2016 01:45 - United States - Seabrook

Today, I went to a family reunion with my brother and my mother. She spent quite a while giving a glowing introduction for my brother to one of her cousins. Then, just before walking off, she jerked a thumb in my direction and said, "Oh, yeah, and that's his sister." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 086
You deserved it 1 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meh, who gives a shit what your parents think of you, just try to make yourself be happy and proud of your own achievements even if they're not up to someone else's standards!!

My mom does that too :/ my brother is a Marine and she introduces him proudly. I'm on my way to get my PhD and I still get an intro just like that :/


At this point just go around introducing yourself, you don't need to be paraded around like that if your mum won't even give you a proper mention

Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments OP! Don't let anybody else's opinion affect you.

She sounds like a massive **** who doesn't believe in the glorious person that I bet you are, just ignore her. Believe in yourself and achieve big :)

What my brother has done is stay right in the old home town and work in the family business. I married and moved about an hour and a half away, started a successful business, have won lots of awards for volunteer work, art, writing, etc. I am the only daughter and have three brothers.

Guess we know who the favourite is... sorry your mom is such a ****

It doesn't matter what she thinks of you as long as you're happy with yourself, you don't need anyone's approval for that .. Be yourself , love yourself and be happy (don't worry about it (;

It's like that for me too just in a different way because I'm introduced as the delinquent and my brother as the good one lol

TacoCat15 10

Sounds like my mother. She boasts about my brother all the time even though he's 27 years old with no job and still lives with my parents. Meanwhile, I'm 23 with a job that provides a pretty respectable income, married to a man who has a degree in digital arts and makes more than I do, and we are in the process of buying a house. But I guess all of that doesn't hold a candle to completing every possible achievement on GTA V.

My point is though, I feel your pain, and don't let your mom's treatment of you get you down. She'll someday realize that she has an amazing daughter. :)