By Anonymous - 03/09/2009 13:25 - United States

Today, I was talking to my sister-in-law on the phone. She brought up the family reunion last weekend and how my family is so strange. I didn't know there was a reunion, I wasn't invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 309
You deserved it 2 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're apparently not strange enough. This isn't a bad thing.

Unless you're a convicted murderer or pedophile, then FYL. Your family sucks. Especially your parents.


YDIforbeingu 0

YDI for not being not be a valuable enough part of the family

Both of you should just shut up right now

freddie_fml 0

Same thing happened to me recently. Sorry to hear it.

the_stereotype 0

i'm pretty sure the sister-in-law was the reason for the reunion, so everyone can meet her. i mean, it makes sense

Sun_Kissed18 25

If your family is that strange then be glad you weren't there! haha :P But seriously that sucks :/ I wonder why they didn't invite you...

loserboii 11

perhaps they dont like you in anyway?

Unless you're a convicted murderer or pedophile, then FYL. Your family sucks. Especially your parents.

caramelize 0

FYL for not being invited, but if your family is so strange then it's probably a good thing.

You're apparently not strange enough. This isn't a bad thing.

That's just not right. Ignorant people. You got to hate them

silentmusic 0

if your family is strange maybe your the only normal one and they didnt invite you cause you were strange to them