By TappedAnts - 08/04/2016 01:45 - United States - Seabrook

Today, I went to a family reunion with my brother and my mother. She spent quite a while giving a glowing introduction for my brother to one of her cousins. Then, just before walking off, she jerked a thumb in my direction and said, "Oh, yeah, and that's his sister." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 086
You deserved it 1 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meh, who gives a shit what your parents think of you, just try to make yourself be happy and proud of your own achievements even if they're not up to someone else's standards!!

My mom does that too :/ my brother is a Marine and she introduces him proudly. I'm on my way to get my PhD and I still get an intro just like that :/


Moms usually favorite their sons, and dads their daughters. Anyways, try not to take it to personal. I am sure your mama loves you very much.

My mom does that too, even when my sister is all the way in Europe and we're in Texas.

That when you point at her and tell everyone that she's crazy cause of all the drugs she is doing

That would have been perfect time for a boobie shot.

This is how I feel compared to my brother