Petty bitches

By Sad - 24/03/2022 16:00

Today, my mother passed away in the hospital. My sister and brother refused to tell me which hospital she was staying at so I couldn’t say goodbye. They blocked my number. This was all because apparently I was the favorite and they did this as a vendetta against me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 724
You deserved it 95

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your siblings are disgusting. Sorry for your loss.

Pretty understandable why you were the favourite compared to them.


Your siblings are disgusting. Sorry for your loss.

yahok 3

That is disgusting, I hope you cut them out of your life.

Pretty understandable why you were the favourite compared to them.

If my sister did that to me, no more contact from me. So sorry you have asshats for siblings

YoLepp 1

OMG, I’m so sorry. They didn’t just let you down by not getting to see her but your poor mom as well. Shame on them. I’m sorry for your loss.

Risking some downvotes, but it's beyond me that you don't know in which hospital your mother is. Haven't you received a call from a nurse or doctor? Have you never visited her in the weeks prior to her passing away? Have you never accompanied her to treatments or other appointments with her doctor? Ofcourse, you don't deserve to not have the opportunity to not say goodbye to your mother and I feel very sorry for your loss. But I feel like this situation was avoidable and and your siblings don't play such a massive role in this, even though they really act shameless... FYL altogether though and sorry for your loss.

All depends on if it happened suddenly or not. If either of my parents died right now, I would have no immediate way to find out the hospital- other than from my family members...

Grumpy Jack 26

Apparently, THEY "refused". Seems clear enough to me. I'm sorry for tour loss, OP. Hope you get a chance to be at her funerals. By the way, don't you have any other relatives or common friends with your mom that can support you ? People like that would be kicked out of my life, right away ! And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't let them be at the ceremony.

rudico67 8

I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry you have to deal with your siblings.

FakeFriendMagnet 1

Your siblings sound horrible. I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm even more sorry that's how they treated you. I hope you cut them out of your life.

mccuish 25

There’s a nicely burnt down bridge between siblings. I hope you have the numbers permanently blocked