By dregmanhart - 12/01/2017 12:33

Today, I went out for a 20-minute lunch break. When I returned to the office, I noticed that my personal computer was missing. Someone had walked into the suite on the second floor and stole my computer right off its docking station, while a few of my coworkers were still in the office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 594
You deserved it 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jcash52426 5

If there is keycard access to your part of the office then one of your co workers is a thief and that makes your boss responsible for at least conducting and investigation or buying you a new laptop if it was used for work even if it was your personal computer. If there is no key card access then it your fault you should have locked it away in your desk. Someone was lucky enough to walk in see an unattended laptop and take it with out being noticed. Also don't blame your coworker for not seei

This is so unfortunate. Just goes to show, a person can really make themselves seem legit if they just act confident and like they're meant to be there.


jcash52426 5

If there is keycard access to your part of the office then one of your co workers is a thief and that makes your boss responsible for at least conducting and investigation or buying you a new laptop if it was used for work even if it was your personal computer. If there is no key card access then it your fault you should have locked it away in your desk. Someone was lucky enough to walk in see an unattended laptop and take it with out being noticed. Also don't blame your coworker for not seei

Doesn't seem like there is much of a security system there.

This is so unfortunate. Just goes to show, a person can really make themselves seem legit if they just act confident and like they're meant to be there.

Aren't there CCTV cameras in place. Besides it's stolen in office, I think they should harbour some responsibility. Are you sure it's not a prank by your colleagues?

species4872 19

<p>&nbsp; That's terrible, now you've get all those **** site links again.</p>

kayder111 12

My lord you need some more attentive coworkers.

EvAN_117 17

It's definitely someone who already knew it was there, SMH people suck.