By hannaholic - 03/07/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, I went on an excellent first date. After the 'end of the date kiss' came, "I suppose this is where I tell you that I'm married." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 518
You deserved it 4 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell his wife-she deserves to know her husbands a cheating creep.


Qwermy 16

if he's dating, and told you he's married, he may be about to leave his wife, and is just starting over at finding someone else. unless you're worried about baggage, he's probably not cheating, but openly leaving his spouse

ZomBSlayR 12

I like how everyone is talking about what a piece of shit this guy is... OP never elaborated on if they were splitting up, separated, etc. My boyfriend is married, legally separated for 3 years, and I didn't find out right away. So this may not even really be an FML. Maybe the guy has a back story. Maybe OP didn't want to hear it and left him outside. Who knows.

The fact that it's on this site kind of implies it's a negative situation. Ergo, of course we would assume he's cheating. It's basic logic.

The fact that he waited until after kissing you tells you a lot about the kind of person he is. Hopefully you nipped that in the bud.

No, the part where you tell someone that should be at the beginning. Before wasting time. Some people are into cheating relationships and some/most are put off by it. You never know but the fact that they waited to tell you something that important doesn't look good for that relationship even if you wanted to continue seeing them.